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Switch Energy Supplier in Germany – Step by Step Guide


In this step-by-step guide you will learn how to switch your gas or electricity supplier with CHECK24. We will guide you through the process of entering data into the comparison calculator and explain how to apply filters to tariffs in order to compare tariffs of various price points. After that, we are going to provide useful information on how to conclude a new contract, and show you how to proceed afterwards.

English FAQ

We also provide an English version of our frequently asked questions here: FAQ in English »

Necessary Data for the Energy Comparison

In order to compare energy tariffs, all you have to do is enter your postal code and your annual energy consumption into the comparison calculator. Below you can see an example of an energy comparison for 80339 Munich with an electricity consumption of 2.500 kWh:



If you do not know your annual energy consumption, you can use our reference values as a guide. By selecting the number of people in your household, the corresponding estimated electricity consumption will automatically appear and you are ready to compare tariffs. In order to estimate your annual gas consumption, you can select the approximate square meters of your living space.

Stromverbrauch Richtwerte

CHECK24 and Stiftung Warentest recommend energy tariffs with a maximum term of 12 months – we have already preselected this setting. Our article (in German) about CHECK24 approved energy tariffs outlines why tariffs with a term of 24 months are not recommended.

After clicking on "vergleichen", you will now see all available tariffs for the postal code and the consumption you have entered.

Compare and Filter Tariffs

Filtereinstelungen CHECK24 Energievergleich

On the left you can double-check your entries and adjust them if necessary. You can also apply filters. If you did not adjust any settings prior to clicking on "vergleichen", you will be able to compare energy tariffs that comply with our recommended settings.

By clicking on "Ökostrom" or "Ökogas" you can filter out tariffs that are not providing green energy. You can find out more about sustainable green energy on our pages "Ökostrom" and "Ökogas" (in German). In the section "Nutzung" you can specify whether you use your energy privately or for a business.

With the setting "Bonus einberechnen" you can specify whether bonuses such as "Sofortbonus" or "Neukundenbonus" should be included in the calculation of costs for the first year of the contract.

With "Filtereinstellungen" you can apply additional filters to the listed tariffs, for example by only searching for tariffs recommended by Stiftung Warentest. If you click on "Individuell", you also have the option of filtering through tariffs according to your personal preferences.

In Which Order are the Tariffs Listed?

The standard order of the energy tariffs is by recommendation and price: At the top we present two recommendations by CHECK24. Below that, all tariffs are listed by price in ascending order. The determining factor for the ranking is the total cost within the first year of the contract. The savings ("Ersparnis") are calculated in comparison to the "Grundversorgung", which is the baseline tariff for electricity supply for the entered postal code, or in comparison to your selected reference tariff.

Select a "Vergleichstarif"

Vergleichstarif Desktop

At the top you can select your current electricity tariff ("Vergleichstarif"). This calculates all savings of the listed offers in comparison to your current tariff. By default, the comparison tariff is the “Grundversorgung” (baseline tariff for electricity supply for your postal code).

Choose the Right Tariff

The tariff box gives you an overview of each tariff and its energy supplier. You can see the total cost of the first year of the contract in large blue labelling. Below are the annual savings you would have if you switched to that specific tariff. The bullet list presents special features of the provider and the tariff:

  • "Weiterempfehlung": Percentage of customers who would recommend the supplier based on their experience in the first contract year.
  • Energiekennzeichnung: Shows whether the energy is standard (“Standardstrom / Standard Gas”) or green energy ("Ökostrom" or "Ökogas")
  • Tariff and provider characteristics such as premiums, awards, bonuses, contract periods, etc.
  • Special details of the tariff pointed out by CHECK24 energy experts.

Tarifkachel Beispiel CHECK24

Example for a tariff by Vattenfall. Total cost and savings can vary depending on the given postal code and energy consumption.

By clicking on "Tarif- & Preisdetails" you find the terms and conditions of the tariff, all costs, and detailed information about the respective tariff and its supplier. In the "Preisdetails" section, we have provided you with a clear breakdown of all costs occurring in the first year of the contract. This gives you an accurate representation of how the cost for the first year is calculated. In the section "Tarifinformationen" we list further tariff details as well as information regarding the electricity labeling requirement, in addition to a detailed breakdown of the electricity mix.

In "Kundenbewertungen" you can see customers’ ratings and read through their reviews about the switching process and their experience with the energy supplier during the first year of the contract.

What does "Marke der..." mean?

Some suppliers are brands of a larger energy provider – for example, LIDL-Strom is a brand of E.ON. This affiliation can be seen here:

  • In the energy comparison below the logo of the supplier, in "Tarif- & Preisdetails", and in the customer ratings and reviews.
  • On the respective supplier pages in the same places.

For maximum transparency, CHECK24 shows all customer ratings and reviews of the energy supplier, not just the ratings and reviews of a single brand.

Check your Input Before Selecting a Tariff

CHECK24 Angaben anpassen

When comparing tariffs, you should make sure that you have entered the correct postal code and annual energy consumption. You cannot change postal code or energy consumption after you have selected a tariff and concluded a contract, as there are individual offers for each postal code in combination with a certain energy consumption.

When all the data is correct and you have decided on a tariff, click on "weiter". This takes you to the first step of data entry to conclude a valid contract.

Address, New Move-In and First-Time Occupancy

At this step you can enter your contact details. Here you can no longer change the postal code and energy consumption.

At the bottom you can select whether or not you are changing providers because you are moving in. If so, select "Ja" for "Neueinzug" and state whether you are simply moving or if it’s a first-time occupancy ("Erstbezug"). This information is important for a correct registration.

Screenshot eines Auswahlmenüs, das es Kunden ermöglicht, auszuwählen, ob sie neu einziehen, ob es sich um einen Umzug oder Neubezug handelt und wann das genaue Einzugsdatum ist.

Data for the Connection with your New Supplier

In the next step, we need the following information from you:

  • Usually: Your meter number, your current gas or electricity supplier, and your customer or account number. In addition, we need to know whether you have already cancelled your contract with the old supplier and from which date on you would like to be supplied by the new energy supplier.
  • If you are moving house and/or moving in for the first time: The meter number of your new apartment.


I don’t know my meter number

If you do not know your meter number or your customer number with your old supplier, you can simply hand it in later. You will receive an e-mail with further instructions on how to hand them in later after concluding the contract. However, you should hand it in as soon as possible to help us ensure the conclusion of your new contract.

Payment Details

You can decide whether you want to transfer your payments yourself or whether you want to order a SEPA direct debit mandate for automatic collection. Debits will only be made when your new energy contract is concluded. In addition, you can activate the free CHECK24 Kontoschutz (CHECK24 debit protection), provided the selected supplier and your bank support this service. All your data will be transferred via a secure server.

By clicking on "weiter" you can check your details again before concluding the checkout.

Concluding the Contract to Switch Energy Supplier

In this step you can confirm your order by clicking on "Kauf abschließen". If you have not filled in your connection data (meter number, customer number with the old supplier), you will receive information on how to submit this data subsequently via e-mail. After confirming the change order, you will also be informed how to manage your new contract in the "Haushaltscenter".

Security of supply

If you change your electricity supplier, you are guaranteed a reliable supply of electricity at all times. As the local basic supplier is legally required to supply electricity, there is no danger of being without it at any time. The switch takes place without any technical changes and without being noticed.

What Happens after the Switch Order?

This happens after you click on "Kauf abschließen":

  1. You will receive an e-mail with the most important contract documents.
  2. If you did not have your connection data (meter number, old energy provider, customer number with the old provider) at hand when you switched, you will receive an e-mail explaining how to hand them in later.
  3. As soon as CHECK24 has forwarded the change order, you will be notified via e-mail.

Within the next three weeks, you will receive the order confirmation from your new supplier.

Your new supplier will usually handle the contract cancellation with your old supplier. However, there are some exceptions where you yourself should cancel the contract:

  • If you have less than four weeks left to cancel your old contract (for a contract with a term of more than three months).
  • If you make use of your special right of termination ("Sonderkündigungsrecht") due to a price increase and your contract period would be extended by more than three months without cancellation.
  • If you move, you must cancel the contract for your old apartment yourself.

Energieexpertin Sophia Waider
Sophia Waider
CHECK24 Energieexpertin
Letzte Änderung am 29.04.2020

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