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Energy Comparison: FAQ

Questions about the switching process

How long does the energy switching process take?

After you confirmed your energy switch with CHECK24 it takes about four to ten weeks until your new energy supplier starts providing energy. There will not be any interruption in your energy supply during the whole switching process.

How much does it cost to switch energy supplier?

Switching energy supplier with CHECK24 is free of charge. You will not have to pay any fees for the switching process.

When will my new energy supplier contact me?

After you have completed your energy switch, your new energy supplier will contact you within three weeks. If there is no confirmation from your supplier within three weeks, please contact your supplier or our customer service.

Will there be any interruption in my energy supply?

Your energy supply will not be interrupted during the switching process. Your local energy supplier is legally obliged to provide energy. In the event that your new energy supplier cannot immediately provide energy to you, your local provider will take care of it.

Do I need any technical modifications to my electricity meter?

You don't need technical modifications during switching process. Your local grid operator continues to take care of the continuous maintenance and the meter-reading services.

How does the energy switch work in case I am moving house?

At the process of entering data you have to select “Ja” for “Neueinzug”, if you are moving house. We also need the date you will be moving in. Please select “Erstbezug” if it is a first-time occupancy. We need this information for a correct registration. In case you are moving, you have to terminate your contract with your gas or electricity supplier by yourself. Whether you are moving house or just switching your supplier:  There will not be any interruption in your energy supply.

Who is in charge during blackout or network faults?

It is the job of the local grid operators to handle all network faults and possible blackouts. They have to restore all power connections as soon as possible. You may call the local grid operator if you experience a blackout at your home. If you do not know who is your grid operator you can ask your energy supplier.

Do I have to cancel my energy contract by myself?

Usually your new energy supplier will contact your old supplier to cancel your contract. You should cancel your contract by yourself in these three exceptional cases:

You have a special right of termination (“Sonderkündigungsrecht”), in case your current energy supplier has raised prices, if you move house or if your cancellation period is due within four weeks. If your cancellation period is short, we recommend you to cancel your contract by yourself to avoid an automatic contract extension.

When do I have a special right of termination ("Sonderkündigungsrecht")?

You have a special right of termination, if your energy supplier has raised prices or if you are moving. For further details please check you energy contract.

Questions about energy tariffs

How can I get a suitable gas and electricity deal?

In order to compare energy tariffs just enter your postal code and your annual power consumption into the comparison calculator. Only seconds later you will find all tariffs  available in your area. If you are interested in green electricity just select “Nur Ökostrom”, if you are interested in eco gas please select “Nur Ökogas”. You can find out more about sustainable green energy on our pages “Ökostrom” and “Ökogas” (in German).



What are the CHECK24 guidelines for consumer protection  („CHECK24-Richtlinien zum Verbraucherschutz“)?

Our guidelines for consumer protection are designed to ensure you a safe energy switch. We help you find consumer-friendly tariffs. Therefore we only show tariffs which follow our guidelines for consumer protection. For example, the shown energy prices must include all taxes and expenses. Additionally, only tariffs are listed whose new customer bonuses (“Neukundenbonus”) do not mask the true price level.

What are the recommended settings („Empfohlene Einstellungen“)?

Our energy comparison is preconfigured so you will easily find tariffs on consumer-friendly terms. Tariffs that are shown with our recommended settings ("Empfohlene Einstellungen") correspond to our CHECK24 guidelines. They have a monthly payment method, a maximum term of twelve months and a price guarantee of at least one year. In addition, no package tariffs (“Pakettarif”) are listed. You can recognize a consumer-friendly tariff by the label “CHECK24-geprüft”. The contract terms and conditions of tariffs with this label have been carefully checked by our energy experts.

What is a green electricity tariff?

Green electricity means electricity produced from renewable sources such as wind power, solar energy and biomass. Green electricity production emits much less CO2  than the production of conventional electricity from coal or nuclear power plants. Green electricity production reduces CO2 emissions. Many electricity suppliers already offer green electricity tariffs, which are often cheaper than the local energy supplier (“Grundversorger”).

What is an ecogas tariff?

If you want an ecogas tariff, you can choose between biogas tariffs ("Biogas") or climate tariffs ("Klimagas"). Ecogas is produced by fermenting biomass. If ecogas burns, only the amount of carbon dioxide emits, that the plants have previously absorbed. Ecogas is therefore more climate-friendly than conventional natural gas. The gas suppliers offer conventional natural gas at climate tariffs. However, they compensate for the CO2 emissions generated in climate protection projects.

What is a package tariff (“Pakettarif”)?

With a package tariff, you buy a certain amount (a package) of kilowatt-hours (kWH) at a fixed price. Even if you use fewer kilowatt-hours throughout the year, you have to pay for the whole package. If you consume more, you have to pay an additional consumption work price, which is usually much higher than the normal offered work price. A package tariff is only suitable for consumers who can precisely estimate their electricity consumption for a whole year.

Questions about electric heating / electricity meter

I have a night storage heater (“Nachtspeicherheizung”) can I switch my electricity supplier?

Anyone who heats with a night storage heater can usually switch his electricity supplier. If your heater is powered by electricity, you can choose a special tariff ("Heizstromtarif") There is only one exception: When the consumption of your night storage heater and the household electricity are measured together using a one-tariff meter (“Eintarifzähler”). A one-tariff meter does not differentiate between high ("HT") and low tariffs ("NT") (also called day and night electricity). In all other cases, you can switch your energy supplier. In addition to the local suppliers, more and more alternative suppliers are offering cheap heating electricity tariffs. With our electricity comparison for heating ("Heizstromvergleich”), you will find the right supplier in just a few seconds.

Can I switch the electricity supplier for my heat pump?

There are special tariffs for heat pumps. In addition to the respective basic supplier, more alternative energy suppliers are also offering special tariffs for heat pumps. Our electricity comparison for heating  ("Heizstromvergleich") shows the tariffs for heat pumps available in your area.

I have an electricity meter for two tariffs (“Zweitarifzähler”) – can I switch my supplier?

If you have an electricity meter for two tariffs, you can specify your energy comparison under the option "individual settings" ("Individuelle Einstellungen"). All you have to do is enter what percentage of your electricity consumption will be in off-peak hours, i.e. what percentage of your electricity you consume at night. You will then receive a list of all suppliers who supply customers an electricity meter for two tariffs.

How do I recognize a smart meter?

A smart meter is an intelligent electricity meter consisting of a digital electricity meter and a communication device (gateway). You can recognize a smart meter by the fact that it shows your electricity consumption on a digital display. Smart meters are usually white. Most of the used electricity meters still come with mechanical roller counters, these meters are usually black. Since January 2020 you are obliged to have a smart meter installed in your household when your annual electricity consumption tops 6,000 kilowatt-hours. If you are not sure whether you have an intelligent electricity meter, please contact your energy supplier or grid operator.

Questions about the energy price

What are the components of the electricity or gas price?

The components of the electricity price are: the costs for energy procurement, sales and network use. In addition, there are government levies and taxes. Similarly, the gas price also consists of various components and tax levies. The energy suppliers can only control the non-governmental price components.

How are the advance payments (“Abschlag”) calculated?

The payment in advance is the regular payment to the energy supplier. Advance payments are usually made monthly. The calculated amount of the payment are the estimated costs divided by the number of months. The annual costs result from the working price per kilowatt-hour used and the basic price. Most suppliers divide the annual costs by twelve months.

What does the price guarantee ("Preisgarantie") include?

There are various price guarantees. Most providers offer price fixing ("Preisfixierung") for a certain term. This usually includes all price components with the exception of all taxes and government levies (e.g. “EEG-Umlage”). A long price fixing, ideally for the entire contract term, protects you from extreme price fluctuations for as long as possible. The net or gross price guarantee ("Nettopreisgarantie" "Bruttopreisgarantie") is less common. A net price guarantee includes all price components excluding value added tax as well as gas or electricity tax. A gross price guarantee, on the other hand, includes all price components, including any tax increases or levies.

What are the base price and the working price for gas and electricity tariffs?

Each electricity or gas price consists of the base price ("Grundpreis") and the working price ("Arbeitspreis"). The working price indicates the price that you have to pay for each kilowatt-hour of electricity or gas consumed. It is also known as consumption price. The basic price is a monthly fixed fee for your electricity or gas connection.

Questions about bonuses

When do I receive the "Neukundenbonus”?

You usually receive a new customer bonus ("Neukundenbonus") at the end of the first year of the contract. You will either get the bonus as a separate bank transfer from your supplier, or your bill will be reduced by the amount of the bonus at the end of the year. Receiving a new customer bonus requires that you have not concluded a contract with the same energy supplier in the past six months.

When do I receive the “Sofortbonus”?

Depending on the energy supplier you receive the immediate bonus (“Sofortbonus”) in four to twelve weeks after the energy supply starts. The requirement for the payout is that you have not concluded a contract with your energy supplier in the past six months.

What is the “CHECK24-Sofortbonus”?

You will receive this immediate bonus exclusively from CHECK24 if you have not yet concluded a contract with your supplier in the past six months. The bonus will paid out between four and twelve weeks after the energy supply has started.

What is the difference between the “Sofortbonus” and the “Neukundenbonus”?

You usually receive the new customer bonus (“Neukundenbonus”) after the first year of energy supply. You receive the immediate bonus (“Sofortbonus”) within the first three months after the start of supply. While the immediate bonus is often a fixed amount, the amount of the new customer bonus often depends on the actual consumption.

What is the “Erstwechslerbonus”?

Some energy suppliers offer a bonus to customers who switch their supplier for the very first time. You receive this so called “Erstwechslerbonus” from the respective provider or directly from CHECK24. The type of first-time user bonus depends on the tariff.

Do I get the “Neukundenbonus” if I cancel at the end of the contract?

You receive your new customer bonus (“Neukundenbonus”) if your supplier has delivered energy for the full twelve months. Make sure to terminate your contract on time so that your contract will not automatically extended.

What is a “Abschlagsrabatt”?

The “Abschlagsrabatt” is a discount on your monthly payment. In the case of consumption-dependent discounts (e.g. on the working price). Your energy supplier calculates the discount based on the energy consumption you have entered into the comparison calculator. At the end of the year, the discount and your total cost will be calculated based on your actual consumption. Any differences in owed costs will be billed accordingly.

Questions about the change order / required data

How far in the future can I apply for an energy switch?

Usually you can order electricity or gas up to 6 months in advance.

Do you need my meter reading?

The meter reading is not required to switch suppliers. In addition to the basic data such as name, address and date of birth, the meter number is required for the switch. You will find this on the electricity meter or gas meter or on your last energy bill.

Where can I find my meter number?

You can find the meter number on your last energy bill or directly on your electricity meter or gas meter. These are located either in the apartment or in the basement. The meter number is a fixed number with four to 16 digits. It is usually above or below a bar code. Do not mistake the meter number with the meter reading. The meter reading changes depending on energy consumption and indicates the current number of kilowatt-hours used so far.

Where can I find my customer number?

You will find your customer number on the last bill of your current supplier. Usually it refers to the contract account number.

Do I have to provide my bank details?

You only have to provide your bank details if you select the payment method "direct debit" (“Lastschrift”).You can comfortably participate in the direct debit procedure. Your new energy supplier will debit the contractually agreed payment from your account every month. In addition, any bonus payments go to the specified account. If you choose the payment method "transfer" (“Überweisung”), you can transfer your payment yourself. There are no additional costs for either payment method.

Where can I revoke my energy switch?

Once you have completed your energy switch with CHECK24 and your new supplier already got your order to switch, you can revoke it directly from the supplier without stating a reason. You can find the supplier's contact details on your confirmation of the switch. If the new supplier has not already your order, you can contact our customer service to cancel it.

Do you have any further questions?

Our customer service operators will be glad to answer all of your questions. Just call our CHECK24 customer service from Monday to Sunday (8 a.m. to 10 p.m.): 089 - 24 24 11 66 or send us an e-mail to Alternatively, logged in customers can request a callback to their specific question.

If you have any feedback on the CHECK24 energy services, please let us know: Provide feedback

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