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Private health insurance in Germany

If you are looking for health insurance in Germany, you are right with CHECK24. With us you can compare many insurers and get advice in different languages.

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Since 2009, there is a health insurance obligation in Germany. Any person residing in Germany has since then been obliged to take out an insurance policy.

Depending on their individual situation, foreigners can either insure themselves privately or become members of a statutory health insurance. Compared to the statutory health insurance, private health insurance has some advantages – such as better benefits and the possibility of individual protection.

Compare private health insurance at CHECK24

Are you looking for a private health insurance? At CHECK24, you can compare numerous top insurers and find the best deal.

Multilingual customer service

Our experts in private health insurance are happy to help and advise you. Our customer consultants speak different languages. They can help you in English, Turkish, Croatian, Portuguese and many more languages. Contact us by e-mail or telephone (+49 89 - 24 24 12 72) – our advice is absolutely non-binding and free of charge.

Private health insurance for employees

Employees in Germany who earn less than 73.800 € a year usually need to become members of the statutory health insurance. Only when you earn more in your job, then you can switch to private health insurance.

Private health insurance for self-employed

People who come to Germany to become self-employed can often choose between a statutory and a private health insurance. Statutory health insurance is available to self-employed persons who have already been insured in a statutory health insurance system in their home country. If this is not the case, only a private health insurance is possible.

Private health insurance for students

If you come to Germany to study, you also need health insurance. Otherwise you cannot enroll at a German university. Basically, students are insured in the statutory health insurance system. If you want to profit from the advantages of a private health insurance, you can get rid of compulsory insurance at the beginning of your studies and take out private health insurance. This decision then applies to all studies in Germany.

How the insurance contribution is calculated

In contrast to the statutory health insurance, the contributions in private health insurance are not calculated according to income. Instead, the desired scope of services as well as the state of health and the age at the time of concluding the contract are decisive here.

This allows young and healthy applicants to save money on their insurance premiums. In addition, the premiums can be determined in the private health insurance: Who chooses more benefits, pays higher contributions.